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More people than ever before are speaking out on behalf of the planet  not just with their voices and votes . In addition The increasing threat of climate change coupled with the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused trends in sustainability to rapidly accelerate and rise  and we're seeing more and more energy being put into finding lasting solutions to shape our future .  Anew global research by the  World Wildlife Fund (WWF) which was  conducted across 54 nations by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), collected the latest evidence for this rising tide of public concern about the environment. According to the research results  the popularity of internet searches for sustainable goods around the world has increased by 71% in just five years amidst the world being hit by the  COVID19 pandemic.

A large contributing factor to these results was social media platforms such as twitter where millions of people were able to spread awareness  about nature loss and gain awareness on environmental issues with 159 million people signing for biodiversity related campaigns. In this tragic saga us humans are both the culprit and victim, how ironic is that! As humanity goes on its quest of “going green” there are a few hurdles that must be overcome by us. A lot of people are still skeptical about sustainable products and tend to think of them as lower quality products than other alternatives. People who voluntarily are trying to search for these barriers often run into barriers such as high costs and very limited availability, slowly this is changing. Although, bags by the ocean are beating the odds and selling great quality bags ( which come in various styles ) at a way more affordable price. The thing is that not only do the materials we use consist of industrial wastage but they are also stitched by skilled women seamstresses. Go check out our website: www.bagsbytheocean.com, and help us make the world a greener place one bag at a time. 

Buy Designer Bags Handcrafted by Women | Bags by the Ocean